Monday, January 17, 2011

The cutest young retailers

Thankfully, the rain gods were smiling down upon us yesterday for the Sony Open, and no one was more pleased than my daughter Nicki. You see, one of the benefits of living on Waialae Golf Course is she’s able to have some fun and make some money selling drinks and treats from our back yard.

Bright and early Sunday morning, she was joined by cousin Megan and her friend Emma. They sold coffee, iced tea and iced bottled water and gave away free donut holes to anyone who bought a beverage for $1.50. Later the girls slashed the price to $1 to drive up sales.

They did all of this with a smile, and just as Mama taught, said “Thank you for doing business with me!”

One tip I did have to give them as throngs of golfers were walking by, which is also an important tip for retailing, is to catch the attention of your audience or clientele. So I told Nicki to create a little visual display, which she did by setting up a little table and chairs so her stuffed animals could have a tea party.

Sure enough, this cute display caught the attention of passersby, which allowed them to see the beverages for sale.

The girls tied in their visual display, their marketing prowess and of course a cute smile and a bright “Good morning!”

Good going, girls!