Monday, September 21, 2009

A day of beyonds

cathy at workshop

The word that keeps coming to mind as the workshop is behind us and I’m writing this blog is beyond:

  • Beyond expectations. The energy and feedback from the 470 guests who came to learn were incredible. We were trying out a brand new format, combining our workshop with a tradeshow, and I wasn’t sure how it would turn out, but everyone loved it. During breaks, attendees had a chance to stretch their legs and meet people they wanted to meet with, and our sponsors got to meet face to face with people who had been checking them out online. So that was a huge highlight.
  • Beyond grateful for the words from people who came up to me and said they had their Aha! moment. The perfect quote was from Susan, who said, ‘Cathy, I had the Aha! moment. Without even going home, I can see my living room and now I know what’s wrong and how to fix it.’ Susan and the others had no idea how much that meant to me, how their words made all that work worthwhile.


  • Beyond cute: For the first time ever, we had our RSVPstyle logowear. Mel and Mel looked beyond cute in the hoodie and T-shirt that will soon be up on our online store!

winner joyce

  • Beyond fabulous—did you see the $10,000 Grand Prize diamond necklace? When I drew her name, Joyce Cranmer literally jumped out of her seat! She was shaking so hard that jeweler Dale Cripps needed several minutes to get that clasp fastened around her neck. She turned to me and said, ‘I’ve never won anything except a tape measure from a hardware store!’

At the end of the day, when everybody had packed up and we left the ballroom, Lissa, Kara, Marie and I headed over to Roy’s to have a cocktail and some pupus. We were beyond exhausted! But just extremely satisfied at how the day went.


And now we’re all beyond tired and ready to go to bed for a very long time! We’ve got lots of highlights and photos coming up on our website, so stay tuned!