I know this may sound weird, but at times I feel schizophrenic. I’m constantly coming up with new ideas for our company—advertising slogans, venues, events, you name it—it’s almost like hearing voices!
The problem is I have so many ideas and as a young company, we have a small staff that hears about them all the time. Everyone laughs when I say, Ooh, I just had an idea! So I’d been trying to come up with a way to be able to bounce ideas off of people, get feedback and unbiased opinion and constructive criticism. But who? And how? These people would need to truly understand RSVPstyle and our mission.
My latest and greatest idea came to me at our Shop with Focus event at Pacific Home Furnishings. I was told that 16 out of the 30 people there had attended all three of our last events—our Invitation to Design workshop in February and our Shop with Focus events at C.S. Wo and PHF. These were people like Randee Gabriele (remember Randee? She won the beautiful $10,000 pendant at the workshop and has flown in from Maui for every RSVPstyle event). All 16 are die-hard, true-blue supporters.
What better group to get this input and feedback from? Plus, many had already approached us to offer assistance and said they wanted to get more involved with RSVPstyle. All understood what we were doing and wanted to be a part of our growth. So I created our Inner Circle Club.
We kicked off with our first Inner Circle lunch meeting, at a home that I did on Waialae Golf Course. Litsa Weiser, whose family I sold it to, just happened to be in town and offered to open the house to us. The outdoor cabana and other rooms are featured in our three-disc DVD series; it’s also been photographed for various magazines and was featured in HGTV’s House Hunters.
It was the perfect spot: we could run projects and ideas past our Inner Circle and in return, offer some training in home design and décor as well help them out with their own projects! After a welcome mimosa toast, we took everyone on a tour of the house, complete with before-pictures and explanations of the whys, hows and challenges of the remodel and decorating.
It was a great day of learning and fun, and in true RSVPstyle, it was all about the win-win. So thank you Inner Circle group—thanks for sharing, caring and being a part of our growth!
Unknown | August 28, 2008 at 12:38 AM
Can anyone attend these "Inner Circle Club meetings?" Interested in learning how to "Shop with Focus" and integrate this skill to improve decor of my home.
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