It’s been two weeks since we returned from our trip, and so far we’ve put up the first part of our Amazing Asian Adventure, with the second part going up in just a few days. The response we’ve heard from you has been awesome. I’ve gotten phone calls and e-mails from people who say they’ve enjoyed reading about our adventures. I’ve even run into people on the street who’ve said hey, when did you get back from China?
It’s been fun for the three of us back at the office to relive some of our moments as we’re putting this together. For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, scroll halfway down the homepage of this website and you’ll see our Amazing Asian Adventure. There’s a lot more to come!
Although you probably would never know it, I do consider myself a pretty private person and have never joined any club to share photos, but once we started this blog and people seemed to enjoy reading about what was going on with us and our company, posting photos just sort of continued on with this trip report--which is why you haven't seen any further blog entries about our journey.
Not only was this a family trip, but we really went for a lot of business reasons as well—to do some research, look into the possibility of a workshop on board the Crystal Symphony, and get some more material for our website. I hope you have as much fun reading our adventure as we’re having putting it together for you!
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