Saturday was a day full of our Shop with Focus event, and that evening I was just exhausted, but Sunday was family day. We have to do those once in a while, our family deserves that! It was nice to sleep in and make breakfast for my family. In the afternoon the girls had a Brownie excursion to sell Girl Scout cookies. Nicki, Megan and Keri are all Brownies, and we went to Hawaii Kai Foodland and set up a little station by the entrance. Girl Scout cookies are up to $4 a box, can you believe it? My goodness, inflation!
with Lissa pitching her favorite cookie in the back
I gave the girls a quick lesson on how to sell, sell, sell—big smile, of course!—and how to let people know the cost. Not just $4 a box, why not let them know it’s three boxes for $12 and five boxes for $20? With their smiles and cute little faces, they broke the Brownie record and sold over 100 boxes in two hours! The record before was 70 boxes. They had a lot of fun and raised money for their troop, and they did it in RSVPstyle fashion! It was a fun day.
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