Sunday, February 10, 2008

KITV, here I come!

Images of blue carpets and boxes have been flashing through my mind. The other day I spoke to Mahealani Richardson of KITV 4 News This Morning—I’m going to be a guest on the show on Wednesday, the 20th of February. Mahealani came up with a really cute idea: they’d like me to make over their side set! I’d love to help them out, but as I explained to Mahealani, unfortunately a makeover is pretty much impossible in a 3- to 4-minute segment. So instead I’ll be bringing an armload of tips.

Mahealani said their brand new carpet made everything else look old. Well, it’s a bright blue (which is not the easiest carpet color to work with!) and in the background are glass windows with green aluminum trim. There are ficus trees—I can’t tell if they’re artificial or real—and in front of those are two chairs that are grayish-blue with oak-looking arms that remind me of the chairs at my dentist’s office. There’s a glass-top coffee table with what looks like an oak base. The strangest thing is when the camera pulls away from the side set, you can see they put these plants up on some kind of blocks, so when they’re interviewing somebody it looks like there’s a little bit of foliage with height, but at a wide angle you see plants on blocks—not the best way to accessorize.

So we’ll see what I can come up with in 3 to 4 minutes! I’ve got a few ideas and I’m always up for a challenge. People should tune in because if you need help but you don’t know how to begin, I’ll show how you can start with a few simple changes to update and accessorize your room.
I think I’ll be on around 6:15, and I need to be at the studio at 5:45 in the morning. I don’t know how I’m going to do that—I think I’ll need a double shot of espresso!